Monday, August 9, 2010

Ketua Keceriaan.

Hehe. I was chosen to be Ketua Keceriaan for LKT (Lembaga Ketua Tingkatan). Oh well,everyone should know I suck at art. ;/

Veronica has signed off. ;)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hari Kokurikulum.

After months of practise,after all the sweat, we finally got 2nd in Hari Kokurikulum. Everyone (PBSM marching members + Andrew Fong) almost cried.And, congrats to Ju Kit. He got the best ketua pelakon.;)

Go PBSM!!!!Keep up the good work, and kick all those KRS butts (no offense)!

Omigosh,so freaking happy now.;)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I feel like i just murdered someone. My brother killed the rat. I hope I will be forgiven by God.

Veronica has signed off. ;(

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Malam Bakat.

Was wonderful.

There were dancing, singing & drama.

Btw, Marcus, I hereby declare that the drama was wonderful. So stop asking me.

Lastly, congrats to my cousin Michael.

Veronica has signed off.;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bad News...

Me house got rats. A rat. As in, a small and black animal. They're ( as in my grandma's maid, dad & my bros) are gonna haunt for the stinking rat tonight. So far, there's chaos in the house. At first,MY maid was caught letting ( almost ) an indonesian guy into the house. My mum fired her on the spot. So, no maids now. Next, the RAT problem. Only mum,dad & ben got to see it. Mum says it's kinda cute. Until she remembered it probably came from the sewer.

Btw, The Anne Frank thing is not done yet. Talk bout it next time.

Veronica has signed off. ;)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Anne Frank. (2)

I'm back. with more Anne Frank information.

When Anne Frank went into hiding, there were a few people helping them.

Miep Gies.

Jan Gies.

Bep Voskuijl.

Johannes Kleiman.

Victor Kugler.

                                           To be continued...
Veronica has signed off.;)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anne Frank.

Poor girl. I love her diary. Let's all pray for the victims in World War II.

Anne Frank.

Margot Frank.

Edith Frank.

Otto Frank.

Hermann van Pels

Auguste van Pels

Peter van Pels

Fritz Pfeffer

                                 To be continued...

Veronica has signed off. ;)